Product category


Sustainability has many faces. Many paths. Many possibilities. This makes sustainability complex and exciting, but also challenging. Windhager has been committed to dealing with the issue of sustainability responsibly for many years. This is not always easy, because the functionality and benefits of the products, including the affordability for the customer, are clearly in the foreground. You can easily recognize our sustainable products by the addition "Greenline" in the title.

Bamboo arched trellis Greenline

Bamboo cane Greenline

Bamboo plant support Greenline

Coconut tree tie Greenline

Cold frame film Greenline

Decorative jute ribbon Greenline

Decorative jute ribbon herringbone Greenline

Decorative jute ribbon with reinforced edge Greenline

Decorative jute string Greenline

Flax garden twine Greenline

Galvanised propagation tray Greenline

Garden waste bag Pop-Up CANVAS

Growth fleece Greenline

Jute climbing plant netting Greenline

Jute fastening wire Greenline

Jute fleece mulch mat Greenline

Jute fleece raised bed mat Greenline

Jute garden twine Greenline

Jute mat Greenline

Jute mesh bags Greenline

Jute mulch mat Greenline

Jute plait Greenline

Jute sack coloured Greenline

Jute sack natural-coloured Greenline

Jute separating fleece for pots Greenline

Jute tapes Greenline

Jute twine Greenline

Jute underlay mat Greenline

Mulch film Greenline

Mulching disc COCODISC Greenline

Mulchpapier Greenline

Natural Tonkin split stake Greenline

Natural Tonkin stake Greenline

Natural fibre weed mat Greenline

Natural raffia Greenline

Paper string Greenline

Paper waste bags Greenline

Picket fence border edging Greenline

Plaited jute cord Greenline

Plant labels BLACKBOARD Greenline

Plant labels SLATE + CHALK Greenline

Privacy screen Brande de Bruyère COMBI Greenline

Privacy screen mat Brande de bruyère PREMIUM Greenline

Privacy screen mat Brande de bruyère ECO Greenline

Privacy screen mat INAKA Greenline

Privacy screen mat NAGOYA Greenline

Privacy screen mat NANTAI Greenline

Privacy screen mat ONTAKE Greenline

Privacy screen mat PAILLON PELÈ Greenline

Privacy screen mat SENDAI Greenline

Privacy screen mat TAIPEI Greenline

Propagation tray Greenline

Reed winter protection mat Greenline

Removable willow trellis Greenline

Sheep's wool felt mat Greenline

Sheep's wool felt mat MEDIUM Greenline

Sheep's wool fleece blanket Greenline

Sheep's wool raised bed mat Greenline

Sheep's wool snail barrier Greenline

Sheep's wool tie cord Greenline

Sheep’s wool flocks Greenline

Sheep’s wool weed mat Greenline

Sisal garden cord Greenline

Tomato film tube Greenline

Tomato fleece sleeve Greenline

Weed fleece Greenline

Willow trellis Greenline

Winter fleece PROTECT Greenline

Winter fleece SUPERPROTECT Greenline

Winter insulation jute mat Greenline

Winter protection coir mat Greenline

Winter protection hood PROTECT XL Greenline

Wooden cultivation tool Greenline

Wooden ladder trellis Greenline

Wooden teepee trellis Greenline

Wooden trellis Greenline