

  • winter protection made from renewable raw materials
  • reliably protects against frost, hail and snow
  • light, water and air permeable
  • sustainable product, oil-free
  • industrially compostable
Art-Nr. Title
07439 Organic winter fleece 50g/m² 1,0x2,5m

An entirely natural garden
This high-quality, eco winter protection fleece from Windhager has the same benefits as a regular winter fleece. It allows for plants to be wrapped easily and can be quickly fastened using cords or jute threads. Thanks to the superior grammage of this fleece it protects trunks and shoots particularly effectively from frost, hail and snow. Its white colour makes this winter protection fleece subtle and elegant.

Nevertheless, its benefit is that it is sustainable as it is made from renewable raw materials (plant starch) and entirely oil-free. Even the production of its raw materials is more sustainable as it produces less CO2 than that of common plastics.

Above that the fleece can be composted industrially which makes it biodegradable. For this reason it does not come with other materials such as cords. During composting, no toxic residual materials are released into the atmosphere except the amount of CO2 the plant has absorbed during its growth.

Winter protection tip:To protect potted plants and roots, it is recommended to additionally cover the soil and the planting pots. Windhager’s jute, coconut fibre mats and mulch discs are particularly suited for this purpose.


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