
Marten stop SPRAY

  • marten defence
  • keeps martens from destroying hoses, lines and insulation
  • long-term and preventative effect
  • ready for use
Art-Nr. Title
08010 Anti-Marten repeller spray 500 ml

Sensitive animal noses will wrinkle.

Your car is not starting and you discover that a marten has struck again and destroyed insulation and hoses in the engine bay. This is it! No more marten damage!

Animal-friendly repellent: Marten noses can’t stand it, so they take flight. Ingredients made from natural oils and bitter substances. The special mix of ingredients is harmless to humans and animals and specially designed to make marten noses wrinkle, repelling martens quickly and effectively. The spray provides colourless protection from marten damage to your car and motorcycle.

Application: Marten stop spray in a practical pump-action spray bottle, suitable for outdoor use and ready for use immediately. First remove animal contamination from highly frequented spots such as the vicinity of car ports, then generously apply the product. Repeat process if needed.

Note: Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use. Register no. D: N-72463; CH : CHZN4936

Active ingredient: Geraniol

Content: 500 ml pump-action spray bottle


Are you interested in Dogs, cats and martens?

Dogs are often called “man’s best friend”. Cats are also often good companions as pets, but if these animals unintentionally tamper with the house or garden, the trouble is considerable. And there are plenty of reasons for this: marking territory, rolling around in the tempting catnip or simply looking for a quiet place. Martens also seek shelter and sometimes cause great damage – preferably in attics and in the engine compartment of the car.

We can help you to keep your animal friends in check: there are various ways to drive them away and deter them. Ultrasonic sounds, flashlight and water are just as effective at driving away animals as repellent sprays and animal-friendly live traps for martens.