
Mounting kit for privacy screens

  • For attaching privacy screens to balconies or fences
  • Each pack comes with 26 fixing plates and wire
  • Size suitable for Windhager mats PRESIDIO
Art-Nr. Title
07382 Mounting kit for privacy screens

The fixing plates and wires are suitable for Windhager plastic mats and make it quick and easy to attach them to balconies or fences.


Are you interested in Privacy screen accessories?

Our accessories for privacy screens ensure a stable hold and easy installation: fastening cord and wire rings secure your privacy screen firmly in place. Fences and privacy screens can be tensioned and fixed effortlessly with a twist tool and wire. Cable ties and universal clips offer versatile fastening options. This ensures that your privacy screen is always reliably and securely fastened. Create privacy and security in your garden with our practical accessories.